What is Craftland?
Free Fire MAX players:
- Can create and edit the map and invite friends to play together by creating a room
- Can share edited map on the community to get more players’ subscriptions and likes
- If the map is welcomed by many players, it may be added to the official recommendation
Free Fire players:
- Can subscribe a map they like shared in community or ingame recommended and create a room to play
- Can join a Craftland room to play this mode
- Can like & subscribe to the map they like
- By playing these maps can get a higher level of creator
To be able to create a map, player needs to use Craftland Room card:
Craftland main screen can be found under Designer's Den Tab:
Players can create own maps on a fixed-size field, there are more than 50 kinds of objects here:
A: Adding a new object (including spawn)
B: Adjust the camera
C: Save&Home page
D: Delete&change a chosen object
E: Free Camera or First Camera
F: Mode Change: Clash Squad or Party
G: Object limitation
H: Delete all / Revoke / Grid lines
After the map being shared, there will be a Share Code of this map, the same region players can search and subscribe this map:
A: Change map name
B: Change Description
C: From left to right
- Share: share this map to Shared maps, then this map will have a battlefield ID
- Apply: download the file from server
- Upload: upload the map to server
D: Once a map be selected to official recommend, can not be changed any more